Why Did We Start ESC?
A million different payment plans. Parents missing promised payments. A mangled financial spreadsheet that you're positive is not 100% accurate. Kids are joining and quitting mid-season and on top of it, your DOC is adding teams left and right, adding to the chaos.

This company was born from the frustration often felt by overwhelmed club admins using an imperfect and inflexible payment tracking system, and the realization that dues uncollected need to be made up from other sources of revenue.

From The Ground Up.
We partnered with Surf Soccer Club in 2009 to build a system from the ground up that was flexible enough to handle the varying financial situations of 1,200 families playing in a year-round environment with different start/end dates for each age group. The club was also facing the prospects of a full financial audit, so we were tasked with building reports that would pass the scrutiny of an accounting firm. Five years later, Surf SC has estimated an increase in collections and a reduction of bad debt resulting in additional revenue to the club of over $200,000.

From the beginning, our software was built by club admins, for club admins, to save you time and money.

Is This Software Right for Us?
If your club a) struggles with collecting the money owed the club, b) has more than 10 teams, and c) is not happy with the club's current system of running tryouts, forming teams, and tracking club finances, then YES!

The Elite Soccer Club Difference.
Here at Elite Soccer Clubs, we know the business of soccer. That's why we built a tool for the biggest and best soccer clubs out there, paying special attention to the elements of administration that are specific to the sport of soccer.

Each sport is a little different, and if you build software for every sport to use, then it probably doesn't do any one of them exceptionally well.